It means: awareness, understanding meditation. It actually means cleansing your system by letting your emotions run freely.  I never thought I could shout thath much, cry that loud, laugh so profound and act so crazy without holding back. I overcome my fears and won’t do anything against my will anymore. Two and a half hours of hard work to get in touch with yourself, healing your inner child.

Last sunday inEgmond aan Zee, the energy was high and the emotions ran deep. In the sensual dance I found a great partner and I could reject someone else without feeling quilty. Afterwards I felt quiet and peaceful inside. Monday I needed time to get back to normal life, so tired, so open, so vulnerable.

Now three days later I pick an angel and it says: adventure, another one falls out of the pack and says; light. I drive into the city to pick up a washing machine and I drive home with an agreement on renting the house from july onwards. Nice two-bedroom house with kitchen, bathtub and garden. Just behind the railwaystation in a quiet neighbourhood. Am I lucky?

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