Osamu Tatsamura

Osamu Tatsamura, okido yoga teacher came to visit from Japan and teach in Laren at the okido yoga dojo and teacher training. This time not to teach us more kyoka-ho but trying to tell about and feel the difference between okido yoga and other yoga styles.

For me okido yoga means: listening to your lifeforce, acting from the heart, feeling solid in your hara. The main difference with other styles of yoga is that you become more aware of your capacities by regaining your lifeforce. Okido yoga is not one style or program you follow but every teacher gives his own interpretation because we are all unique and  changing gradually. The basic principles;  breathing, strengthening exercises, asana’s, doing opposite things as you are used to, put yoga into practice in your daily life, being dedicated in service to others, becoming aware of your needs: good food, exercise, knowledge put into action and social activities are making  okido yoga  a complete lifestyle.

I feel less fear
I become more sensitive, of what I need and don’t need
I’m aware of deeper emotions

Feeling really sad one moment
Feeling inner joy at another moment

And sometimes I can feel connected with nature and being united

I was very grateful for the opportunity this weekend to study with Tatsamura, he is such a wonderful teacher,
light and compact, flexible and strong in every way.
Putting knowlegde into action, learning from the difficulties in life, and receiving them as a gift, making yoga a lifestyle,
doing the opposite to balance, taking in the suitable, not taking in the unsuitable and eliminate the unnecessary.

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