best dessert ever

It is green and goey, it is heavenly delicious and very easy to make, what more do you want?

For four persons you need:
two bananas
one avocado

Peel two bananas, cut them in half, lay them with the cutted side up on a greased baking sheet. Put the oven on at 170 degrees. Spoon some agavesyrup, oil and cinamon on top. Bake for about 25 minutes until brown.

Peel the avocado, safe the seed, squeeze the lemon, put the avocado in the blender with the juze of the lemon and agavesyrup to the taste. (sweetsour) Cool under foil with the avocadoseed in the puree.

Peel the kiwi, slice in pieces.

Put the avocado in a cup, add the cooled banana and a slice of the kiwi.

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