Einde van een tijdperk

Na 37 jaar mag Mizue Tamaki haar nooit aflatende aandacht, toewijding en lessen laten rusten.
Het voelt als een eind van een tijdperk van de Dojo in Laren.
Zondag was het een feestje, in een voelbare Okido familie. De borrelende levenskracht waarin iedereen zichzelf kan zijn, op zijn of haar eigen unieke wijze. Leren door ervaring.
Er was koffie en zoete taart, uniek voor de Dojo, want dat is er niet in de trainingen. Maar het is feest en het leven is er om balans te maken. Yoga betekent verenigen. Dus ook verenigen van wat wel en niet goed is voor je: “mijn lichaam zelf weet wat goed of slecht is om op te nemen”.
Er werden diploma’s uitgereikt, verhalen verteld, oefeningen gedaan, gedeeld, het was een reünie van mooie mensen, van emotie, klank en beweging.
Ik ben dankbaar voor alle lessen van Mizue, de precisie in de details van die teen, vinger of voet die nog net iets verzet moet worden. ‘Pubic bone down, tailbone up’, gaat nooit meer uit mijn hoofd. Het duurde even voordat ik haar Japanse Engels kon doorgronden en na enige tijd begreep dat het geen butterflies, maar vertebra’s waren.
Ik ben dankbaar voor haar onophoudelijke attentie en herhaling van mijn valkuilen, gewoonten en fysieke correctie.
Ik ben dankbaar voor haar vertrouwen in mij ten aanzien van de zoutloze halfvasten en de uitwisseling daarin. Ik ben dankbaar dat zij en met haar de Okido yoga en alle mensen die daarmee verbonden zijn, op mijn pad is gekomen.
Ik ben dankbaar voor de speech van Emilie van de Raa waarin ik veel herkende en die me raakte:

“Dear Mizue,
The way I stand here is the result of your lessons.
You know my breath, my bones and my muscles.
You know my habits and my history.
You’ve seen me change over a period of 40 years
You followed me and I followed you.
The fact that I was able to retire in this state is also due to my year in Japan
at the Okido yoga dojo in Mishima in 1985 and 1986 as a student and as a
I was already used to some self-imposed hardships, but there I met the
unsurpassed state of inconvenience and learned how to deal with it.
When the last day of my visa arrived, I was relieved and decided I would
never set foot in a dojo again.
But one day I changed my mind and went to Laren anyway for a weekend.
Outside in the fields I called my girlfriend Wilna on my cell phone to ask if
I could count on her mental support if things got out of hand.
That did not happen. It became a turning point.
I experienced how your female leadership had changed the atmosphere.
How there was personal attention for everyone.
How the male dominance had disappeared and the shouting of commands
had faded out as a useless habit.
How learning based on one’s own experience had become the guideline
instead of following fixed theories.
I started to return more and more to Laren
My body started to look forward to the power of the physical recovery caused
by the dojo style training. A necessary counterbalance to the world of sitting
on chairs and working behind the computer. I learned how I could maintain a
good posture despite of the demands of the times.
The semi-fasting training became each year a source of profound knowledge
build on experience. I estimate I’ve done it at least 15 times.
You translated Kunnikyo-senseis words without getting tired and expanded
this knowledge further in Amsterdam. You gave a platform to others to share their wisdom.
I gained insight into my lifestyle and how I could support my body and mind.
Your classes in Amsterdam became a regular point for me.
A recurring input that could have such a big impact in the long term precisely
because of the small steps you taught.
Once we went to the hospital together by metro. On the way back you sat
opposite me. Suddenly you stood up and touched my right knee that had
fallen out .You made me aware of my wrong habit. I saw people looking
around us: What is going on here?
Your instructions were so specialized, focussed on the individual.
You were not afraid to repeat an unpopular message time after time.
I have embraced and applied these messages.
This kind of correction is what I call love.
You were never looking for personal attention.
Your focus was how to continue the work of Master Oki in his line.
I consider this place a sacred place.
You developed it in collaboration with others.
The work that has been done is now be continued by others.
This is the law of nature.
Today we celebrate
what has been achieved,
what is still there
and what is still to come.
I have faith in the future.
I am grateful for all that I have received.
Thank you”
Mizue’s woorden en wensen om mee te nemen:
*Beyond the border, beyond the difference of religions and philosophy.
*Dedicated service based on gratitude.
*A listener rather than a preacher.

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